Items shown here are not part of the Pattern 1919 Naval Web Equipment. However, they are commonly associated with it.
The Mills Naval Pattern Leggings are not part of the Patt. '19 equipment, but this type is often associated with it. In the Mills Golden Jubilee booklet, The Development of the Mills Woven Cartridge Belt, 1877-1956, Albert Lethern states that this pattern of Legging was adopted shortly after Pattern 1919 Naval Web Equipment. KW have not yet located an L. of C. entry for the type.
Inside views of the same pair. These Leggings are size marked "2", maker marked "M.E. Co.", and dated 1923. From the Chris Pollendine Collection. Photos © Chris Pollendine 2012.
These Leggings have been painted white. Both Naval leggings and W.E. Patt. '19 pieces are often found to be painted or blancoed white, for use by Naval Regulators ("crushers", as they were affectionately called by matelots). The left Legging (far left) is size marked "2", maker marked "M.E. Co.", and dated 1928. The right Legging (near left) is size marked "1", maker marked "M.E. Co.", and dated 1923.
Inside views of the same
Leggings. Both of these Leggings are from the Karkee Web Collection.