Pattern 1939 Leather Infantry Equipment

Associated Equipment

As with the Pistol case, both Hose Rivets and stitching were used on these Carriers.


Carrier, leather, implement, entrenching, Patt. 1939

tool fronttool rearThere were two Carriers (web and leather), for the Implement, entrenching, 1939 Pattern, but only one known nomenclature, thus the above has had “leather” inserted to make it discrete. To date, no nomenclature has been noted for the leather Carrier, the all-too-few references being to the web version, used with Patt. ’37 W.E., as Carrier, implement, intrenching, Patt. ’39. Note the different spellings of entrenching, both of which were in simultaneous use! This example is from the Karkee Web Collection, and is maker marked "B.H. & G." (Barrow, Hepburn, & Gale), and dated 1940.




Stores Ref. J1/JA 5404 Implement, intrenching, Patt. ’39
Stores Ref. J1/JA 5404 Implement, entrenching, Patt. 1939

This item, with its duality of spelling, is covered elsewhere, under Entrenching Tools.


Rog Dennis, December, 2010