Karkee Web Home Page Pattern 1958 Home Page Patt. '58 Components Page

Web Equipment, Pattern 1958 - Components

Possible Apocryphal Items

Stores Ref. CN 8465-99-XXX-XXXX CARRIER, MAGAZINES, H.P. (Un-confirmed)
Stores Ref. CN 8465-99-XXX-XXXX CARRIER, MAGAZINES, STERLING, S.M.G. (Un-confirmed)

nessieA Carrier existed for HP magazines, for use with Patt. ’37 W.E., however none is known, coded, or listed for Patt. ’58. The Holster had provision for a spare magazine and Army pistol users, down the decades, had never been scaled for large amounts of ammunition. In 1971, the writer was in conversation with an R.A.F. Regiment Sergeant. During discussions on Patt. ’58 and different ways of assembling it, the Sergeant sketched (literally on the proverbial fag packet, Rothmans) a Patt. ’08 style Carrier for five magazines, arranged as two pockets over three on a backing piece. He also added a Carrier for three Sterling magazines. A soldier in a recruiting stand for the Gloucestershire Regiment confirmed these items in 1978. However, no official documentation has ever been noted to corroborate these comments. It is included here as a cautionary “just in case”. Stranger items of unknown webbing have emerged before!


Rog Dennis 2012